Apple Pushes iOS 8.0.1 Update to Tackle Bugs [Update: Do not install]

It is available as a free upgrade for the following iOS devices:
  • iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s
  • iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3 and iPad 2
  • Retina iPad mini, 1st gen iPad mini
  • iPod touch 5th generation

The update is available as an OTA download for these devices. The size of the OTA update is 72.6 on the iPhone 6 Plus. The build number is 12A402. Here are download links for all the compatible iOS devices:
Let us know if iOS 8.0.1 has fixed the issues you have been facing after upgrading to iOS 8.0.
Update 1:
Updated the post with the direct download links for iOS 8.0.1.
Update 2:
We would recommend hold off upgrading to iOS 8.0.1 as iPhone users are reporting “No Service” issues after upgrading to iOS 8.0.1.
Update 3:
Please use this guide to fix the ‘No Service’ and Touch ID issue. I just used it to fix the problem.
Update 4:
Apple has pulled the iOS 8.01 update